You know how important it is to keep up with a regimen of brushing and flossing your teeth every day, but did you know there are several other things you can do to keep your teeth and gums in great shape? If you want to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile for life, you must take steps to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems.
Bellevue dentist, Dr. Yu, and the team at Overlake Dental are dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal oral health with advanced treatments and modern technologies that can restore and improve the health of the gums and teeth. We also emphasize the importance of being diligent with a home care routine.
Here are five ways to improve your oral health:
Maintain your schedule of dental cleanings and checkups.
Regular dental cleanings at our Bellevue dental clinic will help to remove plaque deposits that can lead to tartar buildup. Professional cleanings can also get rid of tartar buildup that you would otherwise not be able to remove with a regular toothbrush. Make sure you stick to your schedule of quarterly dental cleanings and make regular office visits to maintain good oral health.
Practice good oral hygiene.
Even though it can be tempting to neglect a twice-per-day brushing and flossing routine, these practices are essential for good oral hygiene. Make sure you are flossing before you brush and are using the right brushing technique to keep your teeth and gums in good shape.
Eat a healthy diet.
A well-balanced diet or wholesome and nutritious foods can go a long way towards maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Limit the amount of sugary foods you eat and avoid or eliminate foods and drinks that can stain your teeth.
Use a good mouth rinse.
A high-quality antibacterial or fluoride rinse can help you maintain a healthy, beautiful, and dazzling smile. Get into the habit of using a good mouthwash in conjunction with your brushing and flossing regimen.
Change your toothbrush.
Whether you use a regular toothbrush or an electric toothbrush, make sure to change the brush or brush head at least once every three months. If the bristles on the brush flare before three months pass, you may be brushing too hard. Talk to Dr. Yu if you need a recommendation on a toothbrush that is appropriate for your teeth and gums.
Have questions about your oral health regimen or dentistry services offered by our Bellevue dentist? Call Bellevue Overlake Dental at 425-453-9999 for your appointment today!