Parents Teaching Kids about Dental Hygiene: Part One

Helpful Oral Hygiene Tips for Parents

Why should children know about oral hygiene?

Oral hygiene is key to oral health. Children, as young as they are, should know how important it is to keep their teeth and gums healthy that will serve them in good stead into their adult lives. Firstly, primary teeth are there to keep the jaw straight and hold the space for secondary teeth.

Children use their teeth to chew food, to talk and even smile. Having healthy teeth will help with confidence and participation in their education and social life. Caries and tooth decay can lead to early loss of teeth, cause other teeth to move and disrupt adult teeth eruption.

At what age should oral hygiene be started?

In fact, before a baby’s teeth start appearing, oral care can start. After feeding, the baby’s gums should be wiped with a soft washcloth or a baby toothbrush using water only. When a child’s first tooth appears, brush your baby’s teeth for two minutes twice a day.

Switch to a child-sized, soft-bristled toothbrush with a cushioned head, and a pea-sized dab of non-fluoridated toothpaste. Start flossing as soon as the child has teeth that are in contact with each other, usually around age two to three years.

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