Making Brushing A Fun Time For Kids

Here are some of the fun ways you can teach or do with your kids to instill in them good oral hygiene habits.

  • Have a few minutes of fun before or during brushing. Play or sing your child’s favorite song first and/or dance to the tune. There are videos and brushing apps to make this really fun. You can even read a 2-minute story with changing voices to get the child engaged.
  • Have a routine and stick to it. Establishing the same time twice a day as brushing time will establish normalcy. Whether the child is tired, or the family is on vacation, you must stick to the schedule, making sure your child is brushing twice a day for two minutes as required.
  • Reward good brushing behavior. Find out what motivates the child. Keep tabs in a chart or even an ordinary calendar where every once in a while you reward your kid for excellently brushing and flossing. It might be a small toy for his collection, stickers, a book or something else. Don’t forget to express how proud you are of them.
  • Pick a character that symbolizes good oral hygiene. There are TV programs and even books that depict characters who espouse proper tooth brush and flossing. They serve as good examples or heroes. Watch or read them together with your child who can follow their lead.
  • Invent your own story. You can play-act or make believe that your child is the superhero of good tooth brushing.
  • Get your kid to choose his/her own toothbrush and toothpaste. Just teach your child that those with the ADA Seal of Acceptance are the best products. Toothbrushes and toothpaste come in different shapes and sizes and colors. Shopping has never been this fun!
  • Make brushing a family affair. Know that children learn from you, so set a good example. The family that brushes together has even more reason to smile.


More Child-Friendly Brushing Tips

At Overlake Dental in Bellevue, we practice child-friendly dentistry. Bring your kids to us and know what services we offer. We help parents along so that their kids develop the best and smartest attitude towards oral health.