Our Bellevue dentist offers an innovative laser dentistry procedure for patients with gum disease, and this can be a much more targeted and effective treatment option for patients showing signs of periodontitis or advanced periodontitis.
The procedure eradicates bacteria embedded deep within the pockets around your teeth and also preserves healthy gum tissue.
Dr. Yu may recommend laser dentistry as part of your treatment plan, and just a single treatment can put you on the path to better oral health.
How Laser Dentistry for Gum Disease Works
Laser dentistry is an innovative and effective way to treat the infection causing gum disease. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a severe infection of the mouth and can cause tissue inflammation, bad breath, bone and tooth loss, and a host of other oral health problems.
If left untreated, this infection can wear down the tooth structure and eventually cause bone loss. When you lose bone, your teeth may start to shift and will eventually fall out. Even though gum disease can be treated with traditional surgery, laser dentistry is a minimally-invasive option for getting rid of the infection in the mouth.
Just a single treatment with our dentists can eradicate almost all of the bacteria and infection in the mouth, improving your oral health overall.
Benefits of Laser Dentistry for Gum Disease
Key benefits of laser dentistry for gum disease treatment include:
- Minimally-invasive procedure
- Fast healing and recovery times
- Promotes formation of new bone and ligaments
- Minimal pain and discomfort
- Restores oral health
- No cutting of the gum tissue required
- Fast results shortly after treatment
Set up a consultation with Dr. Yu today for more information about gum disease treatment options. Call us at 425-453-9999.