Causes of Bleeding Gums
If you have ever experienced bleeding gums while you’re flossing, you need not be too alarmed as it is quite common and can happen to you from time to time. However, there might be instances when bleeding gums may require a visit to a dentist. It is worthwhile to know what causes gums to bleed while flossing.
Firstly, you might be flossing infrequently.
Irregular flossing can make your gums too sensitive to this routine. Even first-time flossers experience bleeding. You need not worry if the bleeding stops quickly enough. All you have to do is floss consistently, once a day, everyday, until your gums get used to your habit. Bleeding should subside in a few days, likely in a week. This is true unless you are suffering from gum disease.
Another cause for bleeding gums is if you floss too harshly. Vigorous flossing applies too much pressure on your gums. Gums are soft tissue, rich in blood supply, and as such they are able to repair themselves in cases of light trauma or injury or tear. Continue to brush and do once daily flossing to decrease the chances of bleeding gums.
If there is plaque buildup, which develops along and below the gumline, it can lead to bacterial attack and a buildup of tatar that can only be professionally removed. If in-office cleaning is not done and poor oral hygiene still prevails, the gums can be affected. Inflammation and infection can set in and make the gums bleed through brushing or flossing. The best thing to do is reestablish proper oral hygiene and have professional teeth cleaning done.
Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease, a serious form of gum disease can cause gums to easily bleed. Periodontitis is generally caused by plaque buildup. It can cause damage to the soft tissue, making them inflamed, swollen, and hypersensitive to even flossing. Unattended periodontitis can lead to bone destruction and tooth loss. You must see your dentist right away.
Be more gentle with your gums while flossing and determine if you are flossing the right way. Be mindful about your oral hygiene routine by brushing twice a day and flossing once daily. If your dentist says you might have sensitive gums, you may be prescribed a water flosser, a technology that is effective and efficient as well as a traditional floss. In most instances, an electric toothbrush does better cleaning and is also for sensitive gums.
Regular Dentist Visits To Ensure Gum Health
If you’re having gum problems, and limited to bleeding gums, come see us at Overlake Dental.