Pregnancy and Dental Care

If you are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, be sure to communicate this to our Bellevue dentist. Pregnancy has a lot of serious implications regarding your dental care, and you will want to involve your dentist to assure the best health for not only your teeth but also your new baby.

  • Avoid X-Rays During Pregnancy: As much as recent developments have made dental radiography safer than it’s ever been before, there’s no sense in exposing your fragile new baby to unnecessary radiation. Try to schedule any important x-rays before your pregnancy, if you can.
  • Plan Your Dental Appointments Around your Trimesters: Dental treatment should be avoided during the first and third trimesters, as these are important times in the baby’s development. Routine dental procedures should be safe during the second trimester.
  • Alert Your Dentist of Any Medication You Are Taking: It may be necessary to alter your dental treatment to accommodate new medications.
  • Take Particular Care of Your Teeth: Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy put you at greater risk of periodontal disease. Maintain proper oral hygiene, and pay close attention to your gums for signs of bleeding, swelling, or tenderness.
  • Switch to a Bland-Tasting Toothpaste: Strong, minty flavors can aggravate your morning sickness. Look for a toothpaste with a more neutral taste for the duration of your pregnancy.
  • Rinse After Vomiting: Frequent vomiting exposes your mouth to harsh acids that can break down your teeth and gums. Rinse out with water or mouthwash after vomiting, but don’t brush; the acids in your mouth have temporarily weakened the enamel of your teeth, and brushing too quickly can strip this enamel away.

Who is at Risk for Oral Cancer?

Part of our job at our Bellevue dental clinic is to protect you from oral cancer. This cancer accounts for less than five percent of cancers in the United States, but has a surprisingly higher death rate than most of the more common cancers. You can work to avoid such cancer by living a healthy lifestyle, and being mindful of the following risk factors:

  • Men make up 70% of oral cancer cases, with men over fifty being at the greatest risk.
  • Users of tobacco have a considerably higher risk factor for oral cancer. This includes tobacco smoked as a cigarette, cigar, or pipe, as well as smokeless snuff or chewing tobacco.
  • Alcohol consumption contributes greatly to oral cancer risk, particularly if the drinker also smokes.
  • Excessive exposure to the sun can contribute to oral cancer developing on exposed regions of the lips.
  • A poor diet, particularly one deficient in vitamin A, can increase your oral cancer risk.
  • A family history of cancer can always be indicative of a higher cancer risk.

Most deaths caused by oral cancer could have been avoided if the condition was discovered earlier. If you’re a high risk for oral cancer, talk to your dentist and be sure to get your regular screenings.

The Warning Signs of Oral Cancer

When you get screened for oral cancer at our Bellevue dental clinic, we’re looking for unhealthy tissues developing in your lips, on your tongue, inside your cheeks, on the floor of your mouth or on your hard palate. The processes we use are easy and reliable, but there is also a lot you can be doing to look out for cancerous growths between your regular dental check-ups. Keep an eye out for the following symptoms, and call your dentist right away if you think you are in danger:

  • Unusual lumps, swollen areas, rough spots, crusts, or eroded regions on the lips or anywhere inside the mouth.
  • Velvety white or red patches in the mouth, or a speckled white and red patch.
  • Inexplicable bleeding in the mouth.
  • Numbness or loss of feeling in the face, mouth, neck, or ear.
  • Inexplicable pain or tenderness in the face, mouth, neck or ear.
  • Sores in the face, neck or mouth area that bleed easily and persist for at least two weeks.
  • A sore throat, or a feeling that you have something caught in the back of your throat.
  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, or moving your jaw or tongue.
  • Persistent hoarseness.
  • Slurred speech or other changes in your voice.
  • A change in the alignment of your teeth.
  • Weight loss.
  • A lump in your neck.

The Effects of Smoking on Your Teeth

Our Bellevue dentist is not the first person to tell you about the dangers of smoking. You’re probably familiar enough with many of the bigger bullet-points, like cardiovascular disease and lung cancer. But were you also aware that smoking leaves you more susceptible to tooth decay and gingivitis?

The problem goes far beyond the unsightly stains smoking leaves on your enamel. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and anything else that causes you to suck smoke into your system is filled with toxins and deadly free radicals that can seriously compromise your oral health. The damage starts as the smoke passes through your mouth, irritating your gum tissues and causing them to recede. Meanwhile, the smoke is getting to your bloodstream and weakening your circulation. This lowers your body’s ability to fight infections and repair damage, while breaking down bone structure in your mouth and jaw.

At the same time, the people around you are suffering from similar problems based on your secondhand smoke alone. For your own oral health, and for the health of your friends and family, stop smoking today!

Bruxism in Children

Bruxism, or tooth grinding, is a condition that will affect up to a third of children in the United States at some point. It commonly occurs when a child’s new teeth come in, as the pain caused by tooth eruptions encourages grinding. Most kids will quickly lose the habit after this comfort passes, but others will continue to grind long after they have their full set of teeth. Since bruxism weakens your teeth and causes them to come in crooked, you will want to take the following measures with your children:

  • Your child may very well be grinding without even realizing it, perhaps while he or she sleeps. Listen for a grinding sound during the night, particularly if your child complains of a sore jaw in the morning.
  • Stress is a big trigger for grinding. Look for ways to manage your child’s stress, particularly right before he or she goes to bed. Have him or her massage the muscles around the jaw, or apply a warm compress.
  • Dehydration is another potential cause for bruxism.
  • Your dentist can be instrumental in managing bruxism. Talk to Overlake Dental in Bellevue to help pinpoint the underlying problem and come up with effective, lasting solutions.